Monday, August 22, 2011

Training as a Business Decision

by Andreas Fabis

One of atsec’s founding principles is: “Know the business.” That means the continuing education and training of our consultants is a priority for the company. A comprehensive knowledge of the IT security standards that we deal with in our daily work is as important as grasping the consequences that an evaluation or certification might have for a business.

We like to share our expertise with our customers because we believe that both parties gain from this exchange. Development cycles can be shortened if the developers have an understanding of what a future evaluation or assessment might require of them. Instead of scrambling to meet the requirements after the product is finished – which often leads to costly and time-consuming patches – the developers can do their work with the requirements of an IT security standard in mind.

This is especially useful during FIPS 140-2 and Common Criteria projects. We pride ourselves not only on conducting an evaluation with great professionalism, but also on helping customers to understand the evaluation process and making future projects run more smoothly. Training your technical staff is a great first step in that direction.

A training seminar or workshop is also a great opportunity to ask questions to which you won’t find answers in the standards documents. The practical application of standard requirements is our bread and butter – we know about the challenges of conducting an evaluation or being audited, as well as how the different national schemes interpret the standards. atsec is at the forefront of IT security standard development. atsec offers both regularly scheduled and customized, on-demand education and training courses which can be held at our facility or on-site at your location. We have conducted several country-specific trainings in Korea, China, Taiwan, and Turkey, as well as other countries. We can also develop training for other IT security topics tailored to meet your company’s needs. We invite you to take advantage of our professional real-world knowledge in the area of IT security and learn from our experienced consultants.

We invite you to take a look at our scheduled and customized trainings on our website.

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